NUNES, Kezia Rodrigues; BERTO, Rosianny Campos. Didactic transpoition of the soccer in the classes of physical education: experience on projects related to elementary school. The FIEP bulletin, Foz do Iguaçu - PR, v. 77, n. I, p. 677-680, 2007.
PROTEORIA/UFES, Vitoria/ES/Brasill
When thinking in the work/teach/learned contents in the school, in a general way, and in the Physical Education, in matter, in the extent of the prescribed curriculum and practiced, it is possible to notice with the aid of the critical and powder-critical theories that everywhere those decisions are constituted being permeated by relationships of power. The choice of the contents, methods, objectives, in the several teaching levels, as well as in the different school time/spaces, they implicate decisions on which knowledge or procedure has more importance or priority for the students' formation and the citizen's overcoat. In that way, it is glimpsed the curriculum as knowledge time/space, identity and power (SILVA, 2002).
Even with the curriculum prescriptions in national extents (as, for instance, the orientations of the National Curriculum Parameters and the Reference Curriculum National for Infantile Education), in the state, Municipal (Curriculum Diretrizes, Document that orientates) and place (Project Political-pedagogic, among other documents of the own school), would not be possible to guarantee a single way to form-inform-teach-learn at the school.That happens because the curriculum preset only has sense when he is read, discussed, problematized and lived by the school subjects. In the practiced curriculum are countless the possibilities of experiences, unexpected, unpublished, that they don't translate existences only meantime a prescription. For Ferraço (2005), the subjects, in their nets of relationships, are interlaced, they are organized and they weave interactions, constituting configurations of different curriculum in each context. In the same way, the countless theoretical approaches that orientate the School Physical Education, when disentailed-distant of the concrete reality of the schools and attentive to the theories, little they contribute to the real daily of the school subjects practical.
It is necessary to analyze the form with that those products (norms and approaches) they are manipulated by the consumers (teachers in a way and students of other) that don't participate in the production of those products. For the lenses of Certeau, it is possible to understand that different ways of doing exist, used by the school consumer/ practicing in the appropriation of the products that permeate that debate, such as the cultural goods that are it imposed, the academic speeches of the area that look for to legitimate the Physical Education as school practice, and the countless norms and laws that institute it. We understood with the author, that the consumption and the secondary production done by the school subjects not always they approach what is waited by the production systems or instituted powers. An estrangement exists between the instituted pattern and the use that it is done of him by their users. When the school consumer/ practicing don't get to reject-flee-escape completely the dominance, they subvert it modifying them for his use through tactics creative, dispersed or articulate, that are used for appropriation "[...] of the organized space for the techniques of the partner-cultural production" (CERTEAU, 1994, p. 41).
For Certeau, the styles peculiar of action (the ways to do, the manners as they are used) combined with the impositions of the systems, they are constituted in operations of using again, in other words, ways to use the imposed order. The consumers get to subvert, to transform, to manipulate the impositions with their ways of to use and, in other words, with the intended use. When establishing a dialogue relationship among the school subjects or, saying in another way, a relationship of shared authority (OLIVEIRA, 2004) among the practicing subjects, the contributions can be more significant. Oliveira (2004) reveals that in that way the students can understand with more clarity than they are also integral part and outcomes in the process teaching-learning and they are recognized as agents that problematize, that they solve and appraisers in this process, noticing his own development and the one of the friends. We owed, therefore, to consider the individual-collective subjects as starting point and arrival (FERRAÇO, 2005) for any construction in the school extent.
When considering the several authors' notes on the daily practices, this investigation systematizes a work that considers the authority relationship shared among the practicing of a school institution, with intention of indicating concrete possibilities of actions practice-theoretical- practices. It leaves of a problem lived in the class of Physical Education in six groups of the initial series of the Fundamental Teaching in Vitoria/ES. When describing part of that unfolding, I
objective to demonstrate as the several solutions can be built with the children, in agreement with the interest of the teachers' group and students. In four moments divided in a didactic way, I appear which the difficulties and possibilities glimpsed collectively, the organization of the project and the evaluation, that it permeated the whole process, in way with indications (SANTOS, 2005).
Therefore in the beginning of the school year of 2006, when I met the students with whom I would work at the Colored School,¹ in an analysis of diagnosis of the group, went possible to notice his interest for the games, music and for the soccer. Some children, especially the students that participated at small schools,² insisted to begin the specific work with that sport. In spite of being animated me with such an interest, I noticed in the same unpleasant way the arguments and glances of I discourage of other children, that used to practice the soccer and they were not familiarized with their rules.
Actually, I didn't notice interesting for the work of the Physical education in the Infantile Education and initial series of the Fundamental Teaching the practice of sports, understanding them as a system with specific rules. In spite of the undeniable benefit of perfecting of techniques for the income sport, for the possibility that offers to reach with more speed and efficiency an objective; I don't get to glimpse something similar for the work with children. In the childhood, more interesting than the search of an efficiency or standardization of movements, it is to stimulate the children to an experimentation and varied movement, looking for to reach an objective or solution for different roads and/or roads. In that way, they can know the possibilities and potentialities of thier body in the several movements.
The studies of Tani (1991) on motive learning they appear that the standardization of a movement, with the objective of turning it more efficient and/or fast through techniques, it can take to a more efficient learning. However, it reduces the flexibility of answers, harming the children's adaptability and creativity. Like this, to assist to a technical need, it can turn monotonous the classes of Physical Education for the systematic repetition of a movement, besides harming the width of the children's experiences. In spite of not agreeing with the work centered in patterns and rules, I don't also notice pertinent to deny the contribution of the sport, and especially, the phenomenon soccer, mainly in days of World cup. But how to work a theme already loaded of pré-concepts? Only in talking about soccer, especially in that context, where it leaves of the group is accustomed to workout at small schools, the group becomes separated in several groups: the good of ball, the ones that make an effort to learn, the one that don't know play; the one that don't want learn, the ones that don't like the soccer, boys and girls, among others.
1 The school where the experience was developed receives in that article the name Colored School to preserve the subject of the institution. It is an Education Center of the net peculiar of teaching, located in Vitoria/ES. That name makes reference to the teams of the project, that they were identified for colors.
2 I refer to the school of soccer training, that works in the night schedule, with a specialist teacher, specifically negotiated for that end.
Starting from the tracks and indications (GINZBURG, 2002) that the practice supplied me, I began the first stage of that work as a moment of preparation, so that the children lived the theme of the World cup, probleming of the prejudices. We decided for not penetrating in the technical and tactical specificities of the soccer, and to take advantage the methodological structure developed since the beginning of the year, that looked for to make possible the children countless creative opportunities and of creation in the reconstruction of games. In a first moment, after some existences we opted to give new meaning the activities that they practice in the classes of Physical Education in the previous years. Like this, using the same tactics, we rebuilt games to use the ball in the foot.
The first suggested activity to receive new meaning in that context it was the burning. We built collectively some norms and their implications, so that the game with the ball in the foot had beginning, such as: a) when receiving the opposing team's ball, the other team's member should dominate it arresting it, without letting to escape it of the foot; b) in case he doesn't get to dominate the ball, the participant is considered burned, changing for the field of the burned ones; c) any integral one can kick strong the ball; d) any integral one can be burned of the waist upward; e) who is in the field of the burned ones, when burning some the opposing team's participant, it returns for the initial field. Starting from that construction, other rules went appearing in elapsing of the game, and included in agreement with the interest of the group. Other interesting activities wove that scenery, such as: a) the nick with the ball in the foot - where a student with ownership of the ball pursues the other members, in the attempt of setting afloat him, transferring him the place that occupied of burner of the game; b) soccer in couples - two teams are distributed, without goalkeeper, in couples with boys and girls, that cannot loosen the hand to do the goal.
In that construction, all of the students' groups with and inexperienced they could try-develop-perfect the abilities worked usually in the soccer, but in different contexts, without the collection of technical and tactical aspects, in other words, the best way to execute such abilities, besides partner affectionate and cultural aspects. I noticed that mainly the girls, always apprehensive with the practice of the soccer, they tried different forms of reaching the objectives proposed in the classes, living abilities typically used in that sport.
Built in a clever way (CERTEAU, 1994) in order to an involvement with the World Cup, the second stage of that work intended to associate other elements the that strategy of recreating with the children new rules for the games, such as: a) the beginning of a collective project, giving historical context the creation of the World Cup and Brazil in that context, b) the work in teams, so that some debates are especially propitiated about the competition. For so much, the idea of the project was presented for the children as a survey, in search of assisting the expectations of a heterogeneous group, that it had already tried some beginnings of the soccer. Among the professionals of the institution - the teachers and the educator - the form with that the theme could be worked in the several knowledge areas, in order to involve the whole school community, and to promote a more significant learning for the children. Countless possibilities were raised and the inspired work in the Pedagogy of Projects (HERNANDES, 1998), that it counted with the children's participation and of the professionals in its elaboration, it was known as Brazil and the World Cup.
As starting point, I suggested that each group organized two representatives to divide the teams and to answer for their during the project. We defined its profile collectively and, unlike of that they waited initially, the representative would not be the best player - more skilled, expert of the rules and tactics; and yes the best organizer - the student that is shown fairer, companion, committed, responsible and attentive to the respect. After defining the representatives and their respective teams, they opted for a color that identified them. We decided that the teams should choose one of the colors of the Brazilian National Flag. This procedure was accomplished in all of the groups of the institution, and since then, we inserted information, manual activities, researches and games, tends as backdrop the theme of the World Cup in a game that would permeate the whole project. I highlight that in the referred institution, the work happened with six groups of the initial series of the Fundamental Teaching (1st to 4th series), being each group divided in two teams identified by colors. To the whole, three teams were added for each color of the National Flag: the green team acted on the part of the groups 1st B, 1st C, 3rd C; yellow team acted by the half of the following groups: 3rd C, 4th B, 1st C; equip blue acted by the groups 1st B, 2nd B, 3rd B and white team acted by the groups 2nd B, 3rd B, 4th B.
After the organization of the teams, we built a historicy about the creation of the Cup and the history of Brazil in that context, presenting as and for who the idea appeared of creating a world championship of soccer, its organization and periodicity, the award type, the places and dates where Brazil conquered the five championships, the year in that the Country received the World Cup, besides explanation on the emblem and the mascots, brought daily by the children. For larger fixation, the work among the teams used activities and questions to have relationship with the theme. Like this, the creation or proposition of some task included to answer a subject on the World Cup discussed in the class, being worth points for the teams. In the attempt of making possible an apparatus of movements, several situations were lived, such as: cooperative games, of concentration, association, agility and of motive abilities.
Little by little, the students understood the intrinsic relationship established in the context of the activities with the practice and, like this, they showed more participation to every moment understanding that in the project, the abilities, information, attention and commitment wove a necessary group for the participation executes in the classes of Physical Education. It was treated of a complex articulation among the several demands that compose the class of Physical education, that it translates himself in: a knowledge to do; in other words, a to accomplish corporal; in a knowledge on that to accomplish corporal (BRACHT, 2003); in a knowledge to relate (BETTI, 1995); and in a to do with (SCHNEIDER, 2005).
As the strategy was shown stimulant, the children suggested that clever way (CERTEAU, 1994) that we used to game in the context of the World Cup during the swimming classes, and it was constituted in an incentive to the investigations out of the atmospheres school. Daily, we familiarized with researches of the Internet, albums, figurines, magazines, history books, infantile books, books of curiosities, and until a book written by a father of a student on the soccer. We create ways of to use (CERTEAU, 1994) part of that material for making of some collective panels, when we divided each group for team. In that activity, the groups would owe if it organizes in order to decide collectively which strategies to use, stimulating the children's autonomy and reducing my intervention gradually as teacher. With that practice, the interest was of never to centralize the actions, and to provide an interaction with the children for the futures directions, and to attribute to them autonomy to decide which road, solution, strategy they could make use in order to reach a proposed objective.
When I noticing that the children were every day more involved with the theme, and that the difference among the ones that practiced the soccer and the ones that didn't have intimacy with the sport didn't seem so more visible in accordance with the operations of using again used (CERTEAU, 1994), we began the third stage of the work, addressed for the construction of new games of each team, using the historical context of the soccer. We began working the game concepts and sport and what differentiates them: which the characteristics of each one? What define an activity as game, sport? What are official rules? Who invented the sport soccer? Is it always constituted with those rules?
We intended that in the established dialogue relationship among the school subjects, and in the constant exercise of practice-contemplating with the students the different lived moments, that the classes were configured in way the problems be created, objectives, rules, solutions and evaluation forms of the clever way (CERTEAU, 1994) with the group. In those terms, for each context and/or practicing, different situations were created and lived. In that process, the students understood that the rules used in the sports, games, nick and other activities result of a process of historical construction, modified along the years (KUNZ, 2005). They Noticed that the know worked in the Physical Education, the corporal subjects, the cultural goods historically accumulated can be recreated daily by the subjects in different contexts, and not just in the moments of the Physical Education, and that them as partner-historical subjects are also part of this construction.
We elaborated a dynamics, distributing the two teams, one in each half of the block, so that they built a game with the ball in the foot, that can be predecessor to the soccer, but it is not none of the experienced games in the classes of Physical Education. Each team was able to (or no) to do use of four cones, one bar, and one ball in the elaboration of the game. The objective was that each team, besides having a color for identification, it was also known by the game created collectively in the class of Physical Education. During the process, the children noticed the difficulty together in building rules, confronting interests and individual opinions. That experience was associated to the construction of the own soccer, that also possesses a group of norms built partner-historically. The following games were created: two stations, zig-cone, kick bowling, line with goalkeepers, prick line with the ball in the foot, train cone. We reflected that the rules of the soccer that we knew today, certainly appeared along the own game and of the daily needs. Possibly, conflicts were lived similar to the one of the children in the development of several activities, of experiences of countless groups of everyone, using the ball in the foot. These notes take us to question the pertinence in defining a single and specific Country as its author.
After the socialization of the games created by the teams of each group, and existence of the game with other demands (with a larger number of components, larger space for the activity), the analysis of other challenges was proposed: each group should create a suggestive name and to systematize their games in collective panels that would register: the colors of the teams as bottom, the rules of the game, the form of playing it, the illustration of the existence. We decided to enlarge the children's involvement in their group, and we create something to synthesize the two creations. In that way, we created ways of to use (CERTEAU, 1994) the two experiences in just a game, systematizing their rules, and portraying that creation in panels. However, that panel would be composed by the colors of the two teams, and being like this, a geometric form was defined for that disposition, forming a flag for each group.
The tasks generated great clamor in the classes, especially of Physical Education, and, same executing manual activities, that impeded us of trying the games, was possible to notice that everything was part of a context, and that each activity was singularly important. The children felt curious in knowing as the other groups were living the same process, which you/they were their games and panels, as they organized their flags, which the material that they got to gather, finally, which the involvement of the groups in the project.
Leaves of the evaluation was done by the teams, and it considered the following items for analysis of the participation of the members: a) the search of information on the theme, b) commitment in the execution of the tasks, c) originality in the construction of rules for the games, d) ability in the execution of the games. Those points were discussed at classroom, so that each student could express his positioning regarding his participation, besides identifying the evaluation done by his group. For each item to be evaluated, there were three levels to they be appraised: 1 represented the regular level, 2 identified the good level and 3 for great. The collective evaluation was interesting for we notice that they were being sincere, independent of as that would be configured in their notes.
To conclude one of the stages of that process, we organized the Encounter of the Teams in order to accomplish a systematized exhibition of the productions, and to promote a Quiz show of the Cup, that gathered for colors all the six groups and twelve teams in an united way, distributed in the four parts of the block: green, yellow, blue and white.
That encounter counted on the teachers' presence of all, the educator and the directors of the institution. The teacher of Physical Education of the other shift also felt interest in participating. All aided in the decoration of the block, preparing the specific places of each color. The children dressed up using the color of their team in the clothes, in the hair and in the body. All were very curious in knowing which the children and of which groups would compose the group of each color. Interesting it was the interaction in different ages, series, groups and teachers. Besides the Quiz show of the Cup, the children announced in other proofs, that it involved several activities and subjects on the World Cup.
Besides the punctuation of the Quiz show of the Cup, were counted the points added during the classes of Physical Education, in elapsing of the game. The punctuation of the teams was very close, and the children knew that that era just one more stage of a project than it would extend for more some time. On that moment, the winner team was the blue team, that it involved the half of the number of students of the following groups: 1st B, 2nd B, 3rd B. With that first result, several situations were raised, as for instance: a) are the largest always winners? Then because to 4th series it was not among the first ones put? b) is the game valid just for the group that wins? Then as we got to have fun commemorating during the process and not after the classification? c) can the World Cup only be seen in the sporting extent? Then, the subjects historical, social, motive, manuals, of relationships, among other worked they happened out of the context?
In spite of usually the evaluation in Physical Education in the Fundamental Teaching to be measured in numbers, appearing for a quantification in note form to accomplish institutional demands, in that work, it permeated the whole process in the way of indications (SANTOS, 2005), supplying us tracks and indications (CERTEAU, 1994) in the daily problems. Under that beginning, it was possible to have sensibility to build OF clever way a work with the children on the soccer, that allowed the experimentation of countless movement possibilities and situations. The children's perception in that process was fundamental, and being like this, they also announced evaluating the own involvement in the project.
Through different contexts and languages, it was possible to promote a more significant learning for the students (ANTUNES, 2002) and to do them to notice the complexity of the school context. In agreement with Oliveira (2003, p. 70), when innovating the methodology "[...] the teachers bring for the universe of the formal contents socially valid and legitimated by the official texts a numberless of other know that, articulate to the first ones, they create the cashes processes of the students' learning". In that context, the contents, the methods, the procedures and the subjects are static/dynamic, simple/complex, singular/ephemeral, and they weave yours do/know in nets of relationships and possibilities, creating and recreating new directions, alternatives and discussions daily for the treatment with the knowledge of the Physical Education and of the Education.
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SCHNEIDER, O; BUENO, J. G. S. A relação dos alunos com o saber compartilhado nas aulas de educação física. Movimento: Revista da Escola de Educação Física, Porto Alegre, v. 11, n. 1, p. 23-46, jan./abr. 2005.
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It looks for the understanding in the way as the school subjects appropriate of the academic rehearsal of the school Physical Education and of the norms that prescribe it as discipline of the curriculum, for construction of the daily practices. It is noticed with Certeau (1994) that in spite of a power that manufactures rules, norms and values existing, as well as different academic approaches that they glimpse the school Physical Education, countless ways of doing are used for the teachers and students in the teaching institutions. Therefore, for besides the instituted formattings, it is necessary to build a pedagogic practice with the school subjects, considering the contexts and spaces where interfere. It shares an experience with the didactic transposition of the soccer, in times of World Cup, lived starting from problems of the daily practice. In a relationship of shared authority (OLIVEIRA, 2004), search to present a concrete possibility of action practice- theoretical-practice.
Word-key: Physical Education. Daily. Soccer.
Busca la comprensión de la manera como los sujetos escolares se aproprian del debate académico de la Educación Física escolar y de las normas que lo prescriben como disciplina del plan de estudios, para la construcción de las prácticas diarias. Percibi con Certeau (1994) que a pesar de la existencia de un poder que fabrica reglas, normas y valores, así como diferentes abordajes académicas que vislumbran la Educación Física escolar, son utilizadas innumerables maneras de hacer por los maestros y estudiantes en las instituciones de instrucción. Por consiguiente, para además de los formatos instituidos, es necesario construir una práctica pedagógica con los sujetos escolares, considerando los contextos y espacios dónde interfieren. Comparte una experiencia con la transposición didáctica del fútbol, en tiempos de Taza Mundial, vivenciada empezando de los problemas de la práctica diaria. En una relación de autoridad compartida (OLIVEIRA, 2004), busca presentar una posibilidad concreta de prácticateóricopráctica de acción.
Palabras-llave: Educación Física. Cotidiano. Fútbol.
Busca a compreensão do modo como os sujeitos escolares se apropriam do debate acadêmico da Educação Física escolar e das normatizações que a prescrevem como disciplina curricular, para a construção das práticas cotidianas. Percebe, com Certeau (1994) que, apesar de existir um poder que fabrica regras, normas e valores, assim como diferentes abordagens acadêmicas que vislumbram a Educação Física escolar, são utilizadas inúmeras maneiras de fazer pelos professores/as e alunos/as nas instituições de ensino. Portanto, para além das formatações instituídas, é necessário construir uma prática pedagógica com os sujeitos escolares, considerando os contextos e espaços onde se inserem. Compartilha uma experiência com a transposição didática do futebol, em tempos de Copa do Mundo, vivenciada a partir de problemas da prática cotidiana. Numa relação de autoridade partilhada (OLIVEIRA, 2004), busca apresentar uma possibilidade concreta de ação práticateóricaprática.
Palavras-chave: Educação Física. Cotidiano. Futebol.
Autoras: Kezia Rodrigues Nunes —; Rosianny Campos Berto —
Membros do PROTEORIA — Instituto de Pesquisa em Educação e Educação Física —