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Artigos > Comunicação e Produção Científica em Educação e em Educação Física > CARNEIRO, Felipe Ferreira Barros; SANTOS, Wagner dos. Analisis of the acadêmic production of the GTT: School of CBCE. The FIEP bulletin, Foz do Iguaçu - PR, v. 77, n. I, p. 138-141, 2007.

CARNEIRO, Felipe Ferreira Barros; SANTOS, Wagner dos. Analisis of the acadêmic production of the GTT: School of CBCE. The FIEP bulletin, Foz do Iguaçu - PR, v. 77, n. I, p. 138-141, 2007.






Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil.



Founded in 1978, the Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CBCE) (Brazillian College of Sports Science) is a scientific institute, that trough it’s history, seeks to enhance the ways for the circulation and discussion of the Physical Education knowledge. In order to, the CBCE uses two sources: the first is the Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (RBCE) (Brazillian Magazine of Sports Science), released each four months; the second is the Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CONBRACE) (Brazillian Congress of Science of Sport), realized each two years. The CBCE, thinking about enhance the organization of the congress, tried, in the CONBRACE realized in Goiânia, in 1997, the organization of the works approved in thematic work groups ( Grupos de trabalhos temáticos - GTTs). This way, the works should be lead to distinct GTTs, accordingly to the orientations of it’s ements, which presupposes that each article approved has to pass by an valuation commission, attending to determinations of CBCE.

In this case, a point deserved our attention: to initiate the process of identification of the scientific nature of what was produced and released in the articles of GTT: School. For that, we have made the bibliographic research of the published articles in oral communication way, in the annuals of X, XI, XII and XIII CONBRACEs, which establishes a documental corpus of 111 articles. Starting from these documents we identified the most discussed themes by the congressists, the most used theories and the relation of the theories with the investigated object.


About the themes in question

After reading and identification of the themes in question in the GTT: School, we opted for approach then by their thematic axis. The introduction of these articles in the axis was stipulated according to the common characteristics of the texts, which configured the following thematic axis: Curriculum and curricular proposal; Corporal culture; Scholar Physical Education, Games and sports; and, at last, Scholar Quotidian.

In the first axis, we have approached the articles which presented discussions about the organization of the curriculum of the discipline Physical Education, including curricular proposal involving dance and capoeira. These themes corresponds with 48,04% of publications, what means, 55 articles.

In the second axis, we inserted articles that involves corporal culture in different aspects, which themes are: corporeity, culture of the body, corporal practices and, culture of movement. A relevant point is that, despite of different visions that may exist of these themes, was not found methodological variations which would make necessary a distinguish in a new axis. We also identified a difficulty of definition of what is corporal culture by the authors. However, this problem is also expressed in the ement of GTT. This theme represents 23,53% of the publications, what means 26 articles. In the third axis, are the articles concerned to Physical Education through the vision of games and sports. This axis represents 10,78% of publications, 11 articles. At last, in the Quotidian Scholar axis, the presented themes were the practices of the students, of the teachers and their representations and understandings about the Physical Education classes. This theme represented 17,65% of productions, 19 articles.

In the axis Scholar Physical Education, games and sports, the authors studied the sport, analyzing if the sport practiced in the school has been worked in a ludic way or if it is just a copy of high performance sport. In the other hand, there are articles that consider the adoption of sports training an alternative work to Physical Education teachers. Another presented proposal is the questions of how can the sports take part of the politic-pedagogic project of the school.

In the Scholar Quotidian axis, the production searched to understand the relations and the conflicts presents in the scholar ambient. We found works on Physical Education as citizen formers, and the influence on the construction of social relationships, considering the vision of the students about the Physical Education classes. We found works that analyses the intervention of the teachers in their classes, seeking to understand the imaginary of teachers and students, on the educational process of the Physical Education, with the objective of constructing teaching strategies to help the pedagogic action of the teachers.

In the Corporal Culture axis, we found the themes corporeity, body culture, corporal practices, movement culture and body practices. The researches united their efforts in projects that aimed to decode and rescue the culture of movement of students, and also, how to understand the body control of the child, the corporal culture of the teacher, lying between the students movements and the present body conceptions on the Physical Education.

The axis Curriculum and curricular proposals was striking present on all analyzed CONBRACEs, which shows special attention to this theme by the Physical Education authors that has shown their works in these events.

A hypothesis that justify this elevated amount of articles on curriculum is the introduction of the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs) (National Curricular Parameters), in 1997, which has the principle of proportionate subsidy to the teaching systems to the curriculum elaboration, aiming the pedagogic project construction, in service of citizenship, factor that has made the Physical Education authors concentrate their studies in the discussions on the curriculum, most of them found in the congresses 1999. In the 20 presented articles, 14 of them are on the curriculum, in 2001, with 23 the presented articles, 11 focused this theme. Perhaps the objective of this production and its acceptance by CBCE would help in the legitimating of the Scholar Physical Education. Another important point is that the elevated presence of the curriculum theme articles brings some theory matrixes that makes possible the reflections on this object, for example, the curriculum theories. Aroeira (2000) indicates, in his studies, that the discussion about the curriculum and the theories of education are already present in the Physical Education since the decades of 1980 and 1990, which shows that this discussion is not recent and that these theory matrixes in the Physical Education ambit has, somehow, importance as to CBCE as to the authors.


About theory uses

At this moment, the reflections were made conglobating all thematic axis, in order to analyze the productions in a generalized way.

 The theories imputes to the objects the comprehensive bases which make possible understand the uses and outlines that these objects can show. To Silva (1999), there is a correlation between theory and reality, in a supposition in which theory meets the real, nevertheless, the theory notion agrees with a representational form, reflecting and mirroring the reality.

The theory would not limit itself, then, to discover, to explain the reality: The theory would be irremediably implicated in the production of it. When describes the ‘object’, the theory, anyway, create it. The object that the theory supposedly discovers describes is, effectively, a product of its creation [...]. A theory supposedly discovers and describes an object that has an independent existence relatively to the theory. (SILVA, 1999, p. 11-12).

The CBCE requires that the presented works show which are the uses and appropriations made in the theory matrixes of the scientific knowledge areas. Made the considerations, the situations found in the works presented in the GTT: School of the COBRACEs was the following: a) authors that has not indicated the used theories; b) those who indicates their theories through a secondary bibliography; c) Those who indicates the theory starting from the referential authors and presenting the possibilities of the use of this theory on curriculum, games, sport and corporal culture; d) those who indicates the theory support, but does not present the use of this theory; and e) authors that demonstrate the theories indirectly by the way it focalize the objects.

The comprehension of the uses and the appropriations of each theory and the border lines that they can take in the discussions of the objects found in the GTT: School is interesting for the CBCE to verify the legitimacy of some theory matrixes and of some reference authors in the ambit of the scientific knowledge in the Physical Education area.

About the uses of the theories in the CONBRACEs, were identified the matrixes which had more uses by the authors of oral communications of GTT: School: Cultural Anthropology , of Geertz; Motor Learning, of Schmidt; Phenomenology, of Merleau-Ponty; History of the Scholar Disciplines, of Chervel and Goodson; Curriculum History, of Forquin; Constructivist Theory, of Vigotsky; Piaget and Freire, J. B; Critic Theory, of Gramsci, Chaui, Marx, Weber, Hobsbawn, Marx and Engels; Critic Theory of Curriculum, of Giroux and Simon, Silva, Dandurand and Oliver, Silva and Gentili, Giroux, Moreira, Sacristan Giroux and Pena; Develpmentist Theory, of Tani et al., Human Development Theory, of Freud; Critic Historic Theory, of Saviani and Libâneo; Theory of the Game, of Huizinga; Theory of the Human Motricity, of Manoel Sérgio; Post-Critic Theory, of Foucault; Ariès, Perrot, Elias, McLaren, McLaren and Charles and the Theory of Social Representations, of Jodelet, Moscovici, Mazzotti, Wagner; Alvez-Mazzotti, Hébrard, Ibanez and Sá.

Analyzing the presented works and its different theory matrixes, as shown, we understood that there are some incoherencies in the use of the theories related to the analyzed objects. To show better the found, we recourse to the theorizations of Marc Bloch (2001), to then, make use of the principles of comparison and contradiction, because.

The principle of contradiction prohibit mercilessly that an happening can be and cannot be at the same time. We find, worldwide, erudites whose generosity does not rest until discover, among antagonist affirmations, an harmony point: this is to imitate the kid that, asked about the square of 2, as one of his neighbors told him ‘4’ and another told him ‘8’, believed to succeed answering ‘6’ (BLOCH, 2001, p. 110).

As an example of an author that does not indicate the used theory, can named Cecilia Aparecida Vilhordo et al. that, in the congress of 1997, presented an article that aimed to promote the reconstruction of the competence of the teachers to a better learning through the education by researching, in the perspective of learning to learn. The reference of the authors has taken this configuration: SME (1995), Demo, P. (1994), Demo, P. (1995), Demo, P. (1996), Bracht, V. (1992), Medina, J. P. (1987), Coletivo de Autores (1992), Soares, C. L. (1990).

The authors presented the proposal in order to get a better enabling of the teachers, to make easy the learning through the research, even though do not demonstrate which was the theory used in the description, invention and reflection of the object.

A case of indicated theory by the secondary bibliography is the article published in the X CONBRACE, by Ivan Marcelo Gomes and Verônica Regina Muller. The article has the objective of to establish the relation between the corporal culture of the children in their residences with their corporal culture in the school. The referencial used by the authors was the following: Ayala e Ayala (1989), Fernandes (1978), Giroux (1988), Gramsci apud Manacorda (1990), Moffad apud Freitas (1991), Colégio Estadual Dr. Gastão Vidigal (1997), Dicionário Temático de Antropologia (1993), Manacorda (1990), Castellani Filho (1993), Coletivo de Autores (1992), Taffarel (1992), Grupo de Estudos Ampliados de Educação Física (1996), Oliveira (1994), Ramos (1996), Gomes (19--), Freitas, L (1991) and Figueiredo (1993).

We noted that the authors use the Critic Theory of the Curriculum of Giroux to read the investigated object, nevertheless, during the analysis of the object in question, it became evident the use of the Critic Theory of Gramsci, used by the obliquity of the use of apud.

Kátia Rubio and Jocimar Daolio, in a work presented in the CONBRACE of 1997, accost as object the insert of the alterity in the process of the citizen formation, because, to them, to be a citizen is also to have the prerogative of to be different, because the man is biologicaly equal, nevertheless, culturally different. The referencial theory of the authors took this configuration: Arendt (1990), Byinton (1992), Geertz (1989), Jung (1990), Mauss (1974), Sawaia (1994), Schilder (1980), Rolnick (1994), Gonçalvez (1994), Daolio (1995), Medina (1987) and Rodrigues (1986).

The authors make evident, by the way they accost the object and by the discussed theme (alterity and citizenship), that the Post-Critic was the one that made possible describe the curricular proposal they defend, because, according to Silva (1999), characterizes by a Post-Critic accost the following discourses: identity, alterity, difference, subjectivity, signification and discourse, to know-to can, representation, culture, gender, race, ethnic, sexuality e multiculturalism. The authors used the theory reference in a way they could find subsidies to give more consistence to their argues, and they would have made it very well, except for a detail: any of the reference authors used by them uses the Post-Critic conception.

Another similar case, but contrary, was presented in an article of Rodrigo Graboski Fratti, in the congress of 1999. The author makes a discussion on the limits, possibilities of critic proposal elaborations to the Physical Education in a scholar ambient full of conflicts and distinct interests. In this article, Fratti (1999) deepen his studies in the social classes discussion, that, according to Silva (1999), Is characterized as a theme that accosts the Critic Theory. The theory referencial used by the author was the follwing: Hobsbawn (1982), McLaren (1997), Palafox (1993), Soares, C. L. (1992); non-mentioned authors in the text: Gadotti (1995), Saviani, D. (1992), Silva, T. T. (1995), Borges (1998), Bracht (1992), Carlan (1997), Valente (1999); authors not listed in the references: Grignon (1995), Microbie (1995) and Santomé (1995).

The author uses the Critic Theory, but does not use a theory referencial that support this theory. The opposite also occurs when uses Peter McLaren, author that describes under the multi- culturalism poin of view, that is a theme of the Post-Critic accost. Frattii (1999) uses Tomaz Tadeu da Silva, that, in this work, was classified as a Curriculum Critic theory author, even though the writings of Silva,[1] used by Frattii (1999), does not accost the theory in question, but introduces to the cultural studies on education. Another detected problem was the existence of authors mentioned by Rodrigo Frattii (1999), that was not was not listed in the references, with the opposite also happened, what means that we have found listed authors in the text that was not mentioned inside the text, a wrong situation, according with the technical rules of ABNT (the Brazilian Association of Technical Rules).

Eliane Vieira Andrade, Leandro Rezende and Gabriel Munoz Palafox, in article presented in the CONBRACE of 2003, proposes to reflect and research the day-by-day scholar context, constructing teaching strategies that would be shared and analyzed and, aiming the implementation, permanent evaluation and scientific divulgation. Thus, the objective is to present a teaching methodology related with the game and the sociocritic learning. The authors use the Constructivist Theory to help in the construction of the object, what means teaching strategies, learning and evaluation, also strengthening the discurse with referent argumentations to the Critic Theory, as seen in the established debate between Vigotsky[2] and Karl Marx. The theory referencial of the authors took this configuration: Bello, L. (2002), McLaren (1997), Kamii and Devries (1985), Andrade, A.V. (1999), Bracht, V. (1996), Munoz Palafox, G. Terra, D.V. and Pirolo, A.L. (2001), Munoz Palafox, G. Terra, D.V. and Pirolo, A.L. (2002), Uberlândia (1997), Kunz, E. (1991), Faria et al. (2002); non-mentioned author in the text: Vigotsky (1984).

Silva (1999) affirms that these themes belong to the traditional theories: teaching, learning, evaluation, methodology, didactic, organization, planning, efficiency and objective, that hints the dialog possibility between apparently distant conceptions theories, because, as noted, Andrade, Rezende and Palafox (2003) used the dialog between Constructivist Theory and Critic Theory established by Vigostsky, to articulate with the traditional proposals, fact that configures the appearing of a third theory.

However, appears in this article the use of Peter McLaren, what means that we understand once more a “theory problem”, because this author use the conception of Post-Critic Theory and does not provide arguments that support the discussion of the object in study in the article in question.

The findings in this study until now confirms the reflections presented by Brandão (1994), when analyze 204 published articles from 1979 to 1993, in the RBCE. 108 of these articles has shown research problems.

If we share the idea that the RBCE is a reasonably representative periodic of the called ‘Physical Education area’, because of its long existence, institutional autonomy, scientific objectives, financial support received from public agencies of scientific research fomentation and public programs for scientific publications incentive, structural and operational support received from some institutions (universities, for example), among other factors, we must admit - after analyzing the numbers put above - that the Physical Education area passes by a very long complicated situation.(BRANDAO, 1994, p.133 - 134).

Despite of being a writing of the year of 1994, the observations of Brandão (1994),are still up-to-date, as seen in the situation found in the RBCE, in the age studied by the author, is alike to the found in the X, XI, XII and XIII CONBRACEs, when we refer to the production current in the GTT: School. If we think that, that event is one of the most important in the Physical Education area, we will agree with the conclusions of Brandão(1994), understanding too that the area has a very short evolution, when considering the use of the theories. Perhaps a bigger rigidity in the evaluation and selection of the presented works in the GTT by the published articles responsible editorial commission ach two years in the CONBRACEs, would make possible improvements in the technical theory and quality of these productions. In this case, the adoption of rules is a CBCE duty to ameliorate the criteria of evaluation of the works sent to GTT.


Final considerations

The detected research problems in the articles of the GTT: School of CBCE, as the hiding of the theory referential, the non-definition of the research object, the absence of criteria to the definition of the themes by CBCE, the non-use of the theory referential listed in the articles by the authors, all this associated to the inadequacies of some theory matrixes to the discussed object in the production released In the X, XI, XII and XIII COBRACEs, demonstrate that the Physical Education area is already very fragile, what must be surpassed because,

This paradox between the meanings of the individual production and the expressed meaning by the collection of the production shown by the oral communication and press in the congresses annuals [...] supposes a theory (in)deffinition of the scientific field of this area, but this is a question that needs sufficiently qualified studies for theory rigidity and full empiric material, that could make possible ascend more elevated landings with the makings of the Brazilian Physical Education. I am sure that as in the congresses of History [...] as in the COMBRACEs, there are professional staves with scientific authority sufficiently recognized to face this job-work (FERREIRA NETO, 2005, p. 154).

We noted, in this study, that there is a great theory misunderstanding by the searchers that published in the GTT, mainly when used that theory matrixes of education, principally the Critic Theory and the Post-Critic Theory, having “theory problems” with the accost and reflection of some objects. This case, when analyzed the uses and appropriations made of the matrixes, become eminent the fragility of this scientific community, which evidences the debility of the Physical Education area.

Therefore, is notorious the need of a re-structuration of the evaluation criteria of the articles that are disseminated and legitimated by the CBCE through the Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (Brazilian Congress of Sports Science) principally because of the importance of this congress to the Physical Education Area.



AROEIRA, Kaline Pereira. A constituição curricular no ensino fundamental, médio e superior no Brasil: o debate na Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte nas décadas de 1980 e 1990. 2000. Monografia (Curso Educação Física) - Universidade Federal do espírito Santo, Vitória, 2000.

BRANDÃO, Carlos da Fonseca. Batendo bola, batendo cabeça: os problemas da pesquisa em educação física no Brasil. Ibitinga, SP: Humanidades, 1994.

BLOCH, Marc Leopold Benjamin, Apologia da história, ou, o ofício do historiador. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Ed., 2001.

CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS DO ESPORTE. 10., 1997, Goiânia. Anais...,Goiânia: CBCE, 1997. v. 2.

CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS DO ESPORTE. 12., 2001, Caxambu, Anais..., Caxambu:CBCE, 2001. 1 CD-ROM.

CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIÊNCIAS DO ESPORTE. 13., 2003, Caxambu, Anais..., Caxambu: CBCE, 2003. 1 CD-ROM.

FERREIRA NETO, Amarílio. Atualidades da pesquisa histórica na educação física: congressos e campo científico. in: FERREIRA NETO, Amarílio (org). Leituras da natureza científica do Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte. Campinas, SP: Autores Associados, 2005. p. 127­153.

REVISTA BRASILEIRA de Ciências do Esporte, Santa Catarina, v. 21, n. 1, p. 112-245, set. 1999.

SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu da. Documentos de identidade: uma Introdução às teorias do currículo. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 1999.



ABSTRACT: Objectives to identify the scientific nature of the production and publication in the oral communication of GTT: School, of the COMBRACEs of 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2003. The initiative justify itself by the scientific contribution that makes possible comprehend the uses of the theories and its relations with the study objects of the authors of GTT. The study delimited to the method of documental research, analyzing 111 articles. In the realized raisings in the annuals of the CONBRACEs, we identified the themes that had more frequency in the articles of the authors that published in the GTT:School. Also evidences the presence of education theory matrixes, as of other areas of scientific knowledge and the difficulties of using this theories by some of the authors. The theories found in the articles were: Cultural Anthropology; Motor Learning; Phenomenology; History of Scholar Disciplines; History of the Curriculum; Constructivist Theory; Critic Theory; Curricular Critic Theory; Developmentist Theory; Human Development Theory; Critic history Theory; Theory of the Game; Theory of Human Motricity; Post-Critic Theory and Theory of Social Representations.

Keywords: Objects, Physical Education, Theory Matrixes.


RÉSUMÉ: On prétend identifier la nature scientifique de ce qui a été produit et véhiculé dans la communication orale du GTT: École, des CONBRACEs dE 1997, 1999, 2001 e 2003. L’initiative est justifié par la contribution scientifique qui rend possible comprendre les usages des théories et sa relation avec les objets d’études des auteurs du GTT. On a délimité l’étude à la méthode de la recherche de documents, 111 articles ont été analysés. Dans les relevés réalisés dans les anaux des CONBRACEs, on identifie les thèmes qui ont été les plus récurrents dans les articles des auteurs qui ont publié le GTT: École. L’étude met aussi en évidence la présence de sources

théoriques de l’éducation, ainsi que d’autres aires de la connaissance scientifique et la difficulté de l’usage de ces théories par les auteurs. Les théories rencontrées dans les articles ont été: Anthropologie Culturelle; Apprentissage Moteur; Phénoménologie; Histoire des Disciplines Scolaires; Histoire du Curriculum; Théorie Constructiviste; Théorie Critique; Théorie Critique, de Curriculum; Théorie du Développement;Théorie du Développement Humain; Théorie Historique Critique; Théorie du Jeu; Théorie de la Motricité Humaine; Théorie Postcritique et la Théorie des Représentations Sociales.

Mots Clé: Éducation Physique. Sources Théoriques. Objets.



RESUMEN: Tiene como objetivo identificar la naturaleza científica de lo que fue producido e introducido en la comunicación oral del GTT: Escuela, de los CONBRACEs de 1997, 1999, 2001 y 2003. La iniciativa se justifica por la contribución científica que posibilita comprender los usos de las teorías y su relación con los objetos de estudio de los autores del GTT. El estudio se delimitó al método de la investigación documental, analizando 111 artículos. En los levantamientos realizados en los anales de los CONBRACEs, identifica los temas que tuvieron mayor frecuencia en los artículos de los autores que publicaran GTT: Escuela. También evidencia la presencia de matrices teóricas de la educación, así como de otras áreas del conocimiento científico y la dificultad de uso de esas teorías por parte de los autores. Las teorías encontradas en los artículos fueron: Antropología Cultural; Aprendizaje Motor; Fenomenología; Historia de las Disciplinas Escolares; Historia del Currículo; Teoría Constructivista; Teoría Crítica, Teoría Crítica; Teoría Desenvolvimientista, Teoría del Desenvolvimiento Humano; Teoría Histórica Crítica; Teoria del Juego; Teoría de la Motricidad Humana; Teoría Pos-Critica y la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales.

Palabras Clave: Educación Física. Matrices teóricas. Objetos.



RESUMO: Objetiva identificar a natureza científica do que foi produzido e veiculado na comunicação oral do GTT: Escola, dos CONBRACEs de 1997, 1999, 2001 e 2003. A iniciativa justifica-se pela contribuição científica que possibilita compreender os usos das teorias e a sua relação os objetos de estudo dos autores do GTT. O estudo delimitou-se ao método da pesquisa documental, analisando 111 artigos. Nos levantamentos realizados nos anais dos CONBRACEs, identifica os temas que tiveram maior freqüência nos artigos dos autores que publicaram no GTT: Escola. Também evidencia a presença de matrizes teóricas da educação, bem como de outras áreas do conhecimento científico e a dificuldade de uso dessas teorias por parte dos autores. As teorias encontradas nos artigos foram: Antropologia Cultural; Aprendizagem Motora; Fenomenologia; História das Disciplinas Escolares; História do Currículo; Teoria Construtivista; Teoria Crítica; Teoria Crítica; Teoria Desenvolvimentista; Teoria do Desenvolvimento Humano; Teoria Histórica Crítica; Teoria do Jogo; Teoria da Motricidade Humana; Teoria Pós-Critica e a Teoria das Representações Sociais.

Palavras Chave: Educação Física. Matrizes teóricas. Objetos.



[1] SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu da. Alienígenas na sala de aula: uma introdução aos estudos culturais da educação. Petrópolis - RJ: Vozes, 1995.

[2] The authors do not mention Vigotsky in the article, but, the use of the Critic Theory is noted by the form they accost the object, a fact that does not justify the non mention of this author in the argues.


Instituto de Pesquisa em Educação e Educação Física (PROTEORIA),
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RIBEIRO, Denise Maria da Silva; LUCIO, Mariana Rocha; SCHNEIDER, Omar; ASSUNÇÃO, Wallace Rocha; POLEZE, Grasiela Martins Lopes; WILL, Thiago Ferraz. Colégio Estadual do Espírito Santo: relatos da educação física e do esporte em seu arquivo institucional (1943-1957)In: XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Esporte e V Congresso Internacional de Ciências do Esporte, 2013, Brasília.
RIBEIRO, Denise Maria da Silva; LUCIO, Mariana Rocha; SCHNEIDER, Omar; ASSUNÇÃO, Wallace Rocha. Colégio Estadual do Espírito Santo: práticas de ensino de educação física e do esporte em seu arquivo institucional (1943-1957) In: XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Esporte e V Congresso Internacional de Ciências do Esporte, 2013, Brasília.
BRUSCHI, Marcela ; SCHNEIDER, Omar ; SANTOS, Wagner dos; ASSUNÇÃO, Wallace Rocha. Presença feminina na escolarização da educação física no Espírito Santo (1931-1937). In: XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Esporte e V Congresso Internacional de Ciências do Esporte, 2013, Brasília.
Marcela Bruschi
SCHNEIDER, Omar; Bruschi, Marcela. A Revista de Educação e a escolarização da educação física no Espírito Santo: autores, atores e editores (1934-1937) In: VII Congresso Brasileiro de História da Educação, 2013, Cuiabá. Circuitos e fronteiras da história da educação no Brasil. 2013. 1 CD-ROM ISSN:2236-1855
Marcela Bruschi
SCHNEIDER, Omar; BRUSCHI, Marcela; SANTOS, Wagner dos; FERREIRA NETO, Amarílio. A Revista de Educação no governo João Punaro Bley e a escolarização da Educação Física no Espírito Santo (1934-1937). Revista brasileira de história da educação, Campinas, v. 13, n. 1 (31), p. 43-68, jan/abr 2013
Marcela Bruschi